Garsdale has one Anglican church: St John the Baptist's
Garsdale Church
and three Methodist chapels: not regular members of the
Low Smithy, Garsdale Street and Hawes Junction. link to Circuit Page >>>www.sedberghmethodists.co.uk www.mountzionchapel.org.uk/ |
Weather1 Weather2 |
The Christians in Garsdale realise
that we don't actually need all these The times of normal Sunday services are: 10 a.m. at St John's (first and fourth Sundays) 2:00 p.m. at Low Smithy (second and fourth Sundays) 6:30 p.m. at Garsdale Street (third and fourth Sundays) for a Plan of Services for the next month, click here: >>>>>>>>>> This can be downloaded as a spreadsheet here: >>>>>> as an image here: >>>>> or as a PDF here: >>>>>> Special
events are listed below
The united service at 10 a.m. at St John's on September 2nd will be led by Andy McMullon. Hawes Junction Chapel will hold their Harvest Festival on Saturday September 8th at 7:30 p.m. The service will be led by the Orton Male Voice Choir, and there will be supper to follow, then a sale of produce. St John's church is always open, and the chapels are open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. The Churches Trust for Cumbria leaflet: "Railways & Religion in the Western Dales" is available in the chapels. ![]() ![]() We are thinking of Elizabeth's family and friends, and praying for them, after her tragic death on April 29th 2011. We will never forget you, Lizzie. When something has enriched your life, and when its melody lingers on in your heart, is it unfinished, or is it endless? If there is any event missing from this site,
please e-mail : At present, this website is just in an experimental stage. Suggestions for improvement will be appreciated. We no longer hold outdoor services, but perhaps
we could bring back the tradition? Does anyone have any