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Memories of Garsdale
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Most houses in
Garsdale are still without an adequate broadband connection to the
country's internet backbone.
The new project with "B4RN"
is going ahead and the ducting has been installed as far as Grisdale..
Past progress round Dentdale can be seen here >>>>> and the Garsdale updates are here >>>>>> .
Dent Town have the option of staying with their 8Mb BT connection,
or opting for the 120-times faster B4RN connection. Houses
further away will get a broadband connection for the first time.
BT have improved their service slightly, but it can hardly be
called broadband in most of Garsdale.
Digging has reached the Village Hall and the cabinet should be
installed next week. The ducting has been extended as far as
Grisdale, but there are some road and bridge crossings still to be done
before fibre can be blown through.
Money has been raised to cover the major digging, but
volunteers will
be needed to dig awkward bits and the spurs to houses. Investment
in B4RN is
more secure than in the previous scheme because B4RN have been
established for a long time with proven success, and do not rely
on evaporating government grants or engage companies that fail to
deliver what they promise. If you can help with digging under
walls or just providing tea and cake, please contact [email protected]

Garsdale can obtain broadband via a BT telephone line, but how fast is
it? |
Garsdale relies on Kencomp's microwave system. |
Broadband Speed Tests: here >>>>> or here >>>>> or here >>>>> (no recommendation is intended).